Second-order reaction, 76
Secondary active transport, 211
Secondary bile acids, 201
Secondary gout, 631
Secondary hemostasis, 839, 841
Secondary hyperaldosteronism, 759
Secondary hypercortisolism, 760
Secondary hyperparathyroidism,
8 8 6
Secondary lysosomes, 187
Secondary protein structure
a-helix, 53
/S-pleated sheets, 53
superhelix, 56
supersecondary, 54
/l-turns, 53
Secondary structure, 53
Secretin, 202, 203, 208, 505, 714
family of hormones, 203
Secretion, 218
GLUT1 and, 226
Selectins, 143
Selection of initiation codon, 574
Selective estrogen receptor modulators
(SERM), 797
Selenium, 108, 893
Selenium deficiency, 302
Semiconservative replication, 546, 547
Sense strand, 566
Separation of proteins, 36
by chromatography, 37
by electrophoresis, 39
by molecular size, 37
by solubility, 41
isoelectric focusing, 41
Sequence tagged sites (STSs), 539
Sequencing DNA, 535
SERCA, 466
Serine, 24, 349
Serine dehydratase, 336
Serine proteinases, 182
Serosa, 199
Serotonin, 147, 199, 361, 378, 700
biosynthesis of, 362
melatonin, 508
SERPINS, 849, 858
Sertoli cells, 699
Serum albumin gene, 603
Serum anion gap, 236
Serum y-GT, 335
Serum glycoproteins, 168, 170
Serum markers, 126, 128
Serum osmolal gap, 97
Serum osmolality, 97
Serum progesterone level, 793
Serum protein electrophoresis, 949
Serum proteins during acute phase, 954
Serum urate, 631
Seryl hydroxyl groups, 98
Severe acidosis, 96
Severe combined immunodeficiency
(SCID), 536, 635
Severe liver disease, 282
Severin (fragmin), 480
Sex hormone-binding globulin, SHBG, 708
Sex steroid pathway, 706
Sgfl, 531
-SH group, 230
SH2 domain,
8 8 6
Shiga toxin, 223
Shigella dysenteriae, 223
Shine-Dalgamo sequence, 574
Shock, 291
Short bowel syndrome, 236
Short-chain fatty acids, 202
Showdomycin, 316, 585
Sialic acid (N-acetylneuraminic acid),
142, 153
Sialidosis, 169
Sickle cell disease, 628
Sickle cell trait, 302,
6 6 8
Sickle-cell anemia, 222
Sickling disorders,
6 6 8
Signal hypothesis, 580
Signal peptidase, 580
Signal sequences, 267
Signal transduction, 833
Sildenafil, 347
inhibition cGMP phosphodiesterase, 346
Silent carrier state, 660
Silica, 857
Silicon, 893
Silk fibroin, 608
Simple acid-base disorders
classification characteristics, 937
Simple sequence repeats (SSRs), 539
Simvastatin, 417
Single nucleotide polymorphisms
(SNPs), 539
Single-displacement, 92
Single-stranded DNA binding proteins,
Singlet oxygen, 305
Sinusoids, 200
Sister-strand exchange, 558
Skeletal muscle, 235, 337, 339, 454, 455,
488, 787
structure development, 454
Skeletal muscle glycogen, 501
Skeletal muscle metabolism
nucleotides, 501
Skewed conformation of T4, 770
Skin, 235, 278
Sleep disturbances, 340
Sleep-inducible hormones, 746
Sliding filament model, 464
Sliding filament-rotating head
mechanism, 467
Slow twitch
oxidative, 235
Slow-twitch (ST) fiber, 462
Sly’s syndrome, 190
Smal, 531
Small bowel resection, 236
Small intestine, 199, 339
disorders of, 236
Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles
(snRNPs), 85
Small nuclear ribonucleoproteins, 565
Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome
(SLO), 421
regulation, 472
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum, 580
Smooth muscle, 455, 472, 473
vascular, 473
Sodium, 933
Sodium dodecyl sulfate, 164
Sodium nitroprusside, 101
Soft-tissue sarcomas, 64
Solanum glaucophyllum (malacoxalon),
Solid-phase procedure, 46
Solutes, 2
Somatomammotropin family, 701, 737
homology, 738
Somatomedin A (sulfation factor), 185
Somatomedins, 185
Somatostatin, 47, 489, 490, 493, 496, 702,
714, 734
Somatostatin growth hormone
release-inhibiting hormone, 732
Somatostatin S (SRIH), 731
Some abnormal, 695
Some restriction endonucleases, 531
Sorbitol, 139, 296, 297
SOS DNA repair? 548
SOS regulon, 599
SOS repair, 559
South African toad, 569
Southern blot
procedure, 533
Southern blot analysis, 532
Soybeans, 333
SP1, 603
Space of disse, 200
Spacers, 573
Sparsomycin, 585
Specific dynamic action (SDA), 78
Specific dynamic action of food, 224
Specific factor assays, 870
Spectrin, 164, 476, 480
binding to actin, 164
Spectrin-actin interaction, 164
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